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Image by Brooke Cagle

What are Beaded Row Extensions? 

A customized, natural look & a comfortable feel.

Using approximately 15 points of contact,  Hair wefts are then sewn around these points to allow for the least amount of damage to your natural hair & scalp.  There is no heat, glue or tape required for installation and no harsh chemicals for removals.  


We offer both machine tied & hand tied extensions that are methodically positioned based on the head shape and desired end result for optimal styling.  

Beaded row extensions are virtually undetectable and often easier to style than your own hair.  


Extensions can be a great option to enhance and optimize hair goals.  By providing you with both the volume and length you have been dreaming of.  

Hair stylists using our method of beaded row extensions and hand tied wefts .
Blonde stylist in trendy beige outfit matches tape in extensions to blonde model.  No heat or glue, customized beaded row extensions add length and volume.

What to Expect

The best place to start is by filling out the Consultation request below.  Your stylist will review & reach out to set your reservation. 

The consultation is where you and your stylist will discuss all of your goals and answer any questions you may have.  At your install appointment, your transformation will begin.


the initial install will take approximately 3.5 hours and will include before/after photos, install, custom cutting and finalized styling (tutorial included).  you will be sent home with all of the instructions for at home maintenance.  You can always refer back to this page for guidance using the "AT home maintenance" listed below.  


maintenace is scheduled every 6 - 8 weeks as the wefts will grow out with your natural hair.  The wefts are then removed, your hair is washed/styled and your extensins will be replaced with your previously used wefts.  Wefts  can be re used up to a year or more based on care. Maintenance 

appointments take approximately 1.5 hours. 

At Home Maintenance

At Home Maintenance

Washing & Styling

*use sulfate & paragon free Products

*you have twice as much hair, shampoo twice as long.  rinse twice as long

*apply conditioner ponytail down 

*wash in between wefts in a up & down, zig zag pattern

*always blow dry wefts entirely

*Limit heat styling to 2 - 3 x weekly


*Sunscreens & spray tans

*chlorine & salt water.  Saturate hair with fresh water prior to entering the pool & apply conditioner. wear hear up and avoid pool water as much as possible to avoid any discoloration of extensions

*masks, protein treatments & high heat with hot tools


*invest in a satin pillow case to avoid excess drag and stress to your beaded rows

*always brush throughly & apply a hair oil recommended by your stylist

*place hair in a low bun or braid 




Extra Tips

*ensure the life of your extensions by oiling them nightly

*use a thermal spray recommended by your stylist when heat styling

*keep your hot irons at a lower heat.  300*-330*


*brush 2 - 3 x daily

 *use a boar bristle brush to keep oils destributed through your extensions

*use a wet brush after washing

*be gentle when brushing- starting from the bottom and working your way up




Service Name

*no messy buns

*blow dry you sweat as quickly as is possible 

*invest in a Dry Shampoo recommended by your stylist 

*try a mini wash in between shampoos (washing the top of your hair & sides avoiding your extensions)

Services & Pricing

Service & Pricing


Extension pricing varies widely based on your desired end goal. your largest investment will always be your hair cost at your initial visit.   Whether you are interested in extensions for length, volume or a combination of both - your goals & cost will be discussed at your consultation with your stylist.  


1 row - for fullness - one row is the most low maintenance option. It's purpose is not to add much length, but to add volume + fullness, as well as, fill in sparse areas.


2 rows - the most popular option. Will add fullness AND length.


2.5 or 3 rows - for naturally thick hair or blunt layers - the mini or third row are only installed if the extensions aren't able to blend with your natural hair with only two rows. We would add a mini to blend in shorter layers. We would add a third row if your natural hair is thick and requires more hair to blend with your natural density.

first install $100/row + $50 

+includes shampoo, blow-dry and styling


Maintenance removal/reinstall  $100/row (6-8 weeks)

+includes shampoo, blow-dry and styling


(8+ weeks maintenance - not recommended) add $50/row/per 4 weeks

b.y.o.h. (bring your own hair) $100/row + $100


Removal $75

+includes shampoo, blow-dry  and styling


*Hair cost determined at consultation and based on desired end result.


 50% non refundable deposit due at booking.  Reservations can be changed with 48 hour notice one time only.  


All extension services are non refundable.  please refer to your stylist contract or our refund policies under our faq and policies page. 

Extension Consultation Request

Extension Consultation Request

a $25 non refundable deposit is required upon reserving your consultation. 

If yes, which kind:
Preferred Contact Method:
How often do you wash your hair?

Thanks for submitting! Please allow our stylists 24 hours to review and respond. Someone will be reaching out shortly.

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